Saturday, 24 February 2007

First piece of concept art - Big ship

Here is my first piece of concept art, inspired by a sketch from Feng Zhu. The image in the top right was the thumbnail I decided to sketch, I quite like the back fin and multiple cockpits.

Here is a closeup view of it

So in my big drawing I sketched it out in pencil first, as seen in the following picture (if you look closely).

When I thought I had the perspective correct, I went over it in pen. Resulting in the following.

The observant reader may notice that I changed the engine support from a triangle like structure to a curvy structure, quite risky business for my first sketch, especially since you can't rub pen out! (And yes I have heard of tipp-ex!) Didn't end up too bad though, I think it matched the rest of the support better than the triangle structure. At this point I wasn't sure that I had the perspective of the side engines correct, something just didn't look quite right about them, but anyway, onwards and upwards!

The next stage was to add some panels and to darken up the vents. I also added some detail to the engines.

Next came the shading, for this I used 3 Letraset cool grey markers, in particular cool grey 1 to 3. I was aiming to get the light source directly above the ship. I also added a bit of paint to some of the panels to make it a bit more interesting.

For my first ever concept sketch, I am quite pleased with the results.

The negatives that I can see are; I am still not sure about the perspective of the engines, the ground shadow ended up a bit streaky, marker bleeding was rife, and there isn't really an attention grabbing part of the image.

Much to work on then!


Anonymous said...

Not bad!

Anonymous said...

hey, im startin to get into concept art but dont know how to start. recommend any tutorials or something?